Wednesday, March 16, 2005


[Quote of the post] "What fools are we to live in a generation in which war is a computer game for our children." -Tony Benn, MP.
[Song of the post] Nothing at the Moment - Really.

I like the quote, although I have no idea who Tony Benn is. It's taken from this book called Shadow of the Minataur written by Alan Gibbons. It's the first in the series of the Ledgendeer series, which I just started reading. I have to say, it's really cool.

MEW (Math Enrichment Workshop) was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot, which is the politically correct answer. My opinion is that it was really quite fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Really.

I'm too tired out to give a blow-by-blow account, but let's just say it was really fun and leave it at that, huh?

I don't fell like writing write - sorry, right now, so please excuse me. Maybe some other time.

Until next time!

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