Saturday, March 26, 2005

Exam Fever

[Quote of the post] I GOT MORE THAN YOU!!!
[Song of the post] We're Dead - The Failures. Real: I'm Still Here - Johnny Rzenik

Well, it's that time of the year again. The post-exam period. When the most people die of heart attack. I'm talking about the parents, of course. The students just commit suicide.

No, seriously, ZQ was feeling HEPP suicidal on the first day. totally90 too. Luckily I convinced them to stay alive.

I didn;t do too well, either. I only failed one subject: Chinese. Almost everybody did. I beat ZQ. That's why he was suicidal.

I got really high for English, the sciences and... that's it really. The others I didn;t do so well.

I guess I'm the sort of average character. Not so good in everything. Or, at leat, good in some things, and bad in others to compensate. *Sigh.* Nobody's perfect.

Argh, but I can't stop feeling this competive streak in me. Everytime Kevin (the other one) gets more than me, I can't help feeling a slightly jealous. And murderous. But I quash that feeling. Kev is my friend. Ah, I guess it's just the same-name deal.

Just watched Treasure Planet again today. It's going to be a classic, I tell you. It's one of those movies, which you can watch again and again without getting sick of it. It's wonderful.

OK, going now. Bye.

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