Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Whose Line is it Anyway? Mine?

Whee! Another OM meeting today! But the best part was: it was a movie party... er... meeting... thingy... sort of.

We watched Whose Line is it Anyway for about half the time we were at Gid's house. I laughed about three-quarters of the time I was there. I think. That's the beauty of laughter. When you laugh so much, you never really keep track of time.

Oh, and I finally met Demel's cousin. She's from Australia and looks more like Demel's brother than him. But she's only 72 hours older than Demel. Or something like that. That's the beauty of laughter. When you laugh so much, you never really keep track of time.

Gid's dog is called Socks. Not a bad name for a cow, but for a dog... er...
(No, seriously, some cows have white "socks" just above their hooves.)

That's basically it today. Nothing much happened. Been a bit boring lately. Or was that yesterday? That's the beauty of laughter. When you laugh so much, you never really keep track of time.

OK... See ya!

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