Monday, January 10, 2005

Shrouded in Controversy...

That's Applehead's quote. Why he calls himself Applehead I don't know...

Don't you hate it when people use eclipsis...? I mean, it just goes to show that the writer is... sort of better than you, and kind of leaves some suspense... or you might feel that he is leaving out some type of important information...

Anyway, the "Shrouded in Controversy" bit is mainly concerning the Dirtyjerzpage controversy that has been circulating around most of my contact's blogs (most of them who post regularly, anyway *hint hint*).

Demel has actually hit the nail on the head. He's right, I'm wrong. The world isn't divided into people who donate and misers. People who donate may just be jumping onto the bandwagon, or just donating for the sake of donating. Also, not everyone who doesn't donate isn't miserly.

Gosh, this topic is really getting us thinking, isn't it? One person types something different, and soon, most of the blogging population has ideas, topics and discussions. I mean, how often can you find a bunch of thirteen-year-olds who frequently blog about philosophical death, human psychology and current events? Not many. I mean, if someone can write something with so much thought, and he's only thirteen, then, well... what is this world coming to... =P

Oh well. It doesn't matter. I've given up on trying to find the machine guns, tanks, and the nuclear warhead already. Jay, you got off the hook. This time.

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