Sunday, January 23, 2005

Discrimination... It's a Hate Sensation...

My title, like Gid's, is from a song. Unlike Gid's, it's an edited version. Edited by me. Guess where it's from.

Like Gid, I noticed GEP discremination during the OEP camp. Remember my Jay post? This one's going to be a bit like it.

GEPs have been discriminated for decades. At least, I think so. The extremes have always been shunned. Read Flowers for Algernon? We had to do it for Lit last year. The main character was dimwitted, but he had a good heart. Still people mocked him because he was stupid. Then after he had an operation to make him a supergenius, people shied away from him yet again.

It has been hard not being the norm. Do you think we want to be different? It is how we are. Why do you discriminate us? Because you're jealous? You want to be smart too? To be more intelligent? To be clever enough to be mocked by your own kind? Really? Didn't think so.

Because you're scared of us? Why? We're humans too. Will we take over the world in a matter of days because of our superior intellect? Not likely. How can we take over the world if you all are blocking our progress? Will we be ever accepted into society like this? Will I ever stop asking questions that nobody will answer?

I also can see discrimination inside our own groups. You can't blame J Kong for being who he is, just like you can't blame us for being who we are. Who cares if he's got an MP3 player? He's a teenager, just like you. Why can't he like music? Is that wrong? If you want Mainstreamers to accept you, the you have to start accepting yourself, and your classmates. You're all in this together.

That's all for today, it's getting late.
And when you discriminate it generates hate...

Title Answer: Barbie Girl
Latest Answer: Where is the Love

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