Friday, January 14, 2005

iGot a New Computer

Since iHave got a new computer, iWill type in the ways of the iPod. So there.

Finally, iHave a new computer. At long last! iCan finally play games! Whoopee!

The problem with a new computer is that there is so much to change. Or add. Or modify. It really stinks. iHave to reinstall MSN messenger, get my files up and running, configure the desktop, and get used to Windows xP.

School is getting very stressful. Being Class Chairman is not all it's cracked up to be. iAm getting very stressed at the amount of tasks iHave to do. Not at all entertaining. Not that the class is making life any easier. Every day, every hour, iHave to quieten the class, either by shouting or by individually... er... "silencing" them *ahem ahem*. Herrick, thankfully, has stopped slamming the table to get order, but the cheeko group around Applehead, ZQ Isaac, Job and Gideon keep making noise. Too much noise. With two prefects, you'd expect them to keep quiet, but noooo...

Gosh, this computer is really fast. The speed rocks! iLOVE 1GB RAM! YAY!

iWill have OEP next week - that's Overseas Education Programme to those who don't know - so iWon't be blogging for a couple of days. Or technically a week. iGet very confused.

Will Uncle Edna manage to keep his class quiet? Will he survive the OEP? Does this pair of pants make me look fat? Find out in the continuing adventures of - Uncle Edna in school!

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