Friday, July 22, 2005

Not angst, just irritation.

[Quote of the post] All this fuss about turning forces is just a load of torque.
"Can you tell me what force times perpendicular distance is?"
"Just a moment."
[Song of the post] Puzzle Bobble Theme

Lol! I just found the Puzzle Bobble theme song and it brought a smile to my face! I mean, the tune of one of the earliest games I played and one of the most fun of my kindergarden life just can't help bring back memories... ah, good times, good times...

Oh yeah. I want to complain.

Complain! That's all you do! Why, I remember the time when you used to write about happy stuff! Now look at you! What's becoming of you? You vowed never to become angsty, but look at you! Complaining for three posts in a row! You know in my day... blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda...

Yeah, I'll try to look on the brighter side of life soon, but right now I'm in teenage angst. Am I? Zhang will be very surprised to find out. I don't know if I even am angsty, or just irritated at life. Lately I've been seeing things with a very cynical point of view. Is it my hormones, or is it just the influence of Demel?

Anyway, about my complaint. The difference between typing it now and experiencing it a couple of hours ago is totally different, but I'll try to express myself in the best way possible.

Let's see, where to begin? This Friday was going to be better than most, since it would end at 4pm despite starting too early. This meant I could return to my humble abode to complete the massive piles of homework teachers always reserve for weekends.

On the bus with Juzzie, the teacher suddenly called my name. As I raised my hand with curiosity, she announced that we (a bunch of four) had to go back to school later at 4pm to reherse the National Day Award Ceremony.

Hmph. So now I couldn't do my homework today. Never mind then, I am getting an award. So I ask, "What time does it end?" She ponders for 312 milliseconds before replying: "Dunno."

Okay... I borrow Juzzie's handphone to call my mom, to tell her that I'll be going back to school. All settled, I ask the teacher again, "Where do we meet?" She ponders for 314 milliseconds before replying: "Dunno."

Right... so I go for the shooting, and later go back to school. The rehersal was a TOTAL waste of time, with the first half-hour taken for each and every UYO award receipient to take their seat. Then, Mr. Tan See Keng take the liberty to tell us that our certificate won't be presented on that day, but a scroll, which symbolises "your success". Then, after a practice in which only the first five rows went on stage to see where to stand, we were released into freedom.

Two things here: WHY THE HECK IS SCHOOL COMMUNICATION SO LOUSY??? Why not tell me about having to stay back earlier in the week, so I can make transport arrangements? Instead, make people worry about how they are going to get back to school and back home again with a fixed budget and timeframe. And WHY DOES THE TEACHER WHO PASSED ON THE MESSAGE NOT KNOW ANY OTHER IMPORTANT DETAIL AT ALL??? The ending time and meeting place is so important, and she doesn't bother to ask the person who asked her to take the message. This is the sort of thing adults teach kids all the time, Find out the exact details. Where? When? How? Who? What? If teachers don't do this, how are students supposed to learn?

Secondly, WHY WAS THE REHERSAL A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME??? This sort of thing can be briefed in a much shorter timeframe, or, better still, send out a letter with the respective details. But of course, the school puts money over time, and so is prepared to waste the precious seconds of the individuals to save money for the "greater good".

See? All cynical. It must be Demel's fault. =D

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