Friday, March 27, 2009

Comic Life

I just experienced something at dinner tonight. See, my dad took the bus to work today; normally he drives. My brother asked him why, and he says that he takes the bus to work when he's late; his office is undergoing renovations and the car park space is halved, so if he's late it's so much more convenient for him to take the bus. So when I heard that, I said, "Life is weird." So my parents as me why, and I say, "When dad's late, he takes the bus. When we're late..."

Aside from the fact that it's one of the few times I actually made my parents laugh, I felt really good about it and I just had this urge to repeat the joke sometime in the next few minutes of conversation. But I knew that you just can't do it again, because most jokes are one-time-deals, and it's worthless repeating the same joke to the same audience within a short span of time. It's useless because they're not unsuspecting anymore.

And you see how the above two paragraphs relate to life. People only like to talk about what they're interested in, which is the reason for the explanatory paragraph leading up to the punchline. Comedy is all about timing, and when the moment passes, it's often a good idea to give up the joke for the time being. Which is why you should learn to be opportunistic, and keep the timing of everything in consideration. Repeated jokes have no kick; people get bored with repetition, even in things like the personalities of their friends. So the comedian keeps coming up with new ideas to keep things fresh.

Life's a laugh anyhow,
The Edna man

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