Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Walk with Me

I think I finally figured out why people need a God. One of the reasons, at least. Because people are all so different, there is not a single person - friend, acquaintence, lover, whatever - that will walk with you or will want you to walk with down the path of life. Because everybody's different, with different self-interests and different paths they have placed in front of themselves to walk down. So people create a God to convice themselves that there is someone who will walk with them down the path of their life without going his own separate way. And the difference between that and an imaginary friend is that while each person can have his own single individual imaginary friend, everyone can have God walking down his or her path because that's what God is supposed to be, omnipresent.

Why is it that some things are designed perfectly while so many other things aren't?

On the road less travelled,
The Edna Man

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