Saturday, February 14, 2009

Better to have Love and Lost

...than to miss doing something awesome on V-Day (or in commemoration of Valentine's Day - as an aside, V-Day makes it sound too revolutionary; remember, remember?).

Going back in time: there's no other way to spend Valentine's Day except by converging on a fast-food restaurant somewhere and dragging out your corporate lunch to abominable lengths just so that you can hold a board meeting and not get kicked out, all the while cracking up and watching Jarrel shred up his plastic drink cap. Romantic, no?

Before that: Friday the Thirteenth! Paraskavedekatriaphobia aside, nothing really freaky happened; had OM as usual, oh but Jarrel dropped a test-tube during Chem prac. Nothing freakishly abnormal or superstitional. What a waste of a good Friday the Thirteenth, eh? Oh well, at least there's another one coming up in a month's time!

Even before that: King Lear (Princess Leia?) screening was vaguely amusing but mostly boring-ish. Call me an evolutionary mutant, but I can't appreciate whatever it is that people appreciate about Shakespeare. The guy playing Lear looked a bit like John Cleese, I thought, and I think the most fun role to play (if I ever became demented and agreed to perform in a staging of King Lear) would be the Fool. Aside from that, the entire cast looked like they just stepped out a (low-budget) Lord of the Rings prequel, complete with the big beards and everything, and the especially-large characters all sound like Gimli when they're raging or shouting or angry. Aside from that, the King of France had no French accent, and Kent had a vague southern drawl. And totally out of the picture (haha motion picture, get it?) as well, it was quite interesting to see a mostly empty lecture hall progressively get emptier and emptier.

I sat through the whole King Lear screening and all I got was this lousy T- hey! I didn't even get a T-shirt!
The Edna Man

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