Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Yes, please!

It's now 12.59am on an early Wednesday morning and I feel amazed and humbled at the same time.

There's this girl in my class. Her name is Charmaine. I've known her for about seven, eight months. In all that time, I figure she's the studious, hardworking type; very friendly, enthusiastic actress, best friends with Lorraine (another girl in my class). In the past hour, I've discovered a whole new dimension to her character. I've found out that she's awesomely creative, and that she likes making stuff (jewelry and graphic design, as far as I know for now). It's amazing, really; she has her own online shop (co-owned) and everything! Apparently she's been doing it for two, three years now. I can't believe that in the past half-year I never found out this amazing talent of hers (to be fair, she never mentioned it in class either).

I'm humbled because I thought I was good at this sort of thing, at knowing people, their motivations, characteristics, behaviour, talents, skills, likes, dislikes, etc. Or at least being able to make a good guess. Apparently I'm not skilled in this art, because I obviously deluded myself into thinking that I was good at it. I find out that I'm rather detached from most of my current classmates, because mainly a) I haven't been hanging out with them much (sorry!) and b) maybe I just haven't been around them enough to preempt their next move. Living with a GEP family for over seven years, you kind of figure out who everybody is and their most likely reaction to certain situations, their stereotypes and so on. I mean, that's how TNN was born! So now, little old me is trying to superhero-ize my class, because it's awesome fun, and also to see if I can do just that.

I guess this is part of the new philosophy (did I have an old one in the first place?) which I picked up after reading this article. It talks about the power of saying "Yes!" to get more out of life, and by voluntarily picking myself up and asking Charmaine about the blog address in her Personal Message, I found out more about one of my friends. I did it yesterday too (technically, two days ago, on Monday). I went out with practically all the girls in my class (and Justin, but he's not a girl) to have lunch, and then they dragged me to watch House Bunny. Normally I'd refuse to watch a chick-flick (groovy-movie? lacklustre blockbuster? film... film... cripes nothing rhymes with film), but I remembered the article and let myself be persuaded. Well, I did have a good time, and the show was really quite funny, and I have no regrets! I'm going to need to go to the library soon and check out a whole bunch of books on improvisational theatre, especially that one.

The Edna Man

1 comment:

Unknown said...

heyyy kevin,
haha. nice to see you're expanding yourself. chick flicks can be pretty fun to watch...albeit predictable but (strangely enough) i know a few people whose lives seem to have been matching up to the drama of the movies lately.
your friends sound pretty cool and funny.

sorry i haven't talked to you in a while. i have the dreaded hsc on friday!!! and won't be finished until the 6th nov. not fun. so between now and then...lots of cramming...cramming...and uh...procrastination. :p at least i'm turning 18 on thursday, cool, no? ahahaha. i forgot that you're so liiittttllllleeeee! well not really. you're probably more mature than i, but meh. let me rub it in a little :p

ahhh. i read the post about you loving how everyone has a story to tell; i know what you mean. do you people watch? i do sometimes. okay. i'm not a creepy stalker but you know...sit and watch people and try and figure them out. sometimes even make up stories for them. unfortunately my talent has dried up when it comes to proper creatives for my coming english exam. oh! but i'm missing the point;;; which was that if your school does THIMUN-Sing,,,or has a press team....if you haven't done it already; you should try journalism! although i'm still planning to do med, i'm so glad i got stuck into my school newspaper and did lots of publication work-it's lots of fun too.

still doing fps? *sniff. i wish i was. but noooo....oh well. i'm already graduated, you know? as more classes..just exams and speech day. it's creepy. and very sad.

i wish i could keep a blog. i think i lack the persistance. and why would people want to read about me? though i'm being contradictory since i've been rambling to you. but owe me an email. or maybe i owe you which case, consider this make up.

you know...i do believe a year has passed! remember what that guy said in perth last year? about keeping contact for at least a year? well we did it!!!! heehee (it's a bit of a pity we didn't really keep in touch with the hk girls and stuff-did you? i think i have renee on facebook but *shrugs)
i wish australia had 'whatever'. :( *waaaah.
