Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kanon at the End of the Dream

I finished watching Kanon yesterday. Key, the animation studio, has this fascinating and well-executed way of blending the funny and the sorrow into a bittersweet smoothie of an anime. I laughed at all the running jokes: Akiko-san's special jam, Nayuki's sleepwalking and attraction to cat allergies, and Kitagawa's complete randomness. And I was moved when Makoto disappeared, Shiori ran off, Nayuki got emo and Ayu... well the ending was so bittersweet I didn't know how to react.

That is not to say that Kanon doesn't have its flaws. I'm pretty sure Yuuichi shouldn't be able to repress his memories that well, especially the one of Ayu, which is definitely traumatizing and should have affected his psyche to a significant extent. Also it was kind of awkward that he shared a kiss with Ayu when Shiori just kissed him the night before, but I rationalised it in the sense that Shiori looked to him as an older brother, and not a boyfriend.

Nevertheless, the art was exquisite, with beautifully-drawn backdrops and scenery which is such a delight to witness, even when you are close to tears. I favour the 2006 art to the previous version greatly, though I do think that though Yuuichi looks normal-ish, the girls' faces all look quite squashed. Piro is adorable, but I say that about every cat, so yeah.

I'm still in wonder at how the anime genre has been so successful and influencing my emotions. Maybe it's because I'm in the appropriate age category. Maybe it's because of the universal themes of love and separation, of life. I don't know. All I know is, it's good.

The Edna Man

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