Monday, November 12, 2007


I've just finished His Dark Materials trilogy.

Once again I am swayed to writing by the power of the words of another great storyteller. A myraid of thoughts now swirl through my mind, as swift and relentless as Dust. Again, a compelling storyline, a mystifying plot, combining aspects of religion, philosophy, quantum physics; everything. And so many layers of meaning, like reading an alethiometer; and you have to be curious, willing to believe, and have the imagination to enter the fantasy world and see the meanings in the symbols.

And the meanings! If one could ignore everything else the book was trying to say, about life and religion and the quantum theory; about multipule universes and the original sin; about knives and compasses and spyglasses and honesty and trust and belief; then we'd be left with the most important thing of all: Love. And everything else would be inconsequential; what would matter most would be human being's ability to love.

"But just keep up this coming here once a year, just for a hour, just to be together..." -- Lyra

Measure in Love. Seasons of Love.
The Edna Man

1 comment:

Nova said...

To date, I still remember how very sad the ending to HDM was.

Good post.