Monday, July 13, 2009

Movies in Disguise

Woohoo! Today I spend six bucks on awesome computer animation and visual effects. Really, movie critics need to spend a break once in a while and watch something for the pure visuals of it. Besides, you notice that many scenes are ripped from major motion pictures of the past decade (or so). Warning: SPOILER ALERT, though the plot is so thin there's not much to spoil anyway.

Scene: Megatron explodes from beneath the waves, breaking a aircraft carrier into two and it sinks into the depths
Ripped from: Titanic

Scene: A bunch of Decepticon constructions transform and merge into a giant four-legged and anatomically-correct vacuum cleaner.
Ripped from: Power Rangers

Scene: Two new Autobots, hillbilly automobiles with buck teeth.
Ripped from: Cars

Scene: The Tomb of the Primes is lost, hidden deep in a random Egyptian desert. Guess where?
Ripped from: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Scene: Bumblebee, containing the heroes, is made to stop in a checkpoint in the middle of the desert. A strangely familiar midget sergeant comes out to greet them.
Ripped from: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Scene: Sam starts seeing runes and symbols as a secret message after he touches the sliver of the Allspark.
Ripped from: The Matrix

Scene: The Fallen is standing on top of the pyramid, and with a wave of his hand, sends the Jordanian helicopters crashing into its rocky sides
Ripped from: Magneto, the X-Men

Scene: Sam dies and goes to robot heaven, where the Primes tell him that the Matrix of Leadership has to be earned (NO, REALLY?), and that he is now worthy of wielding it.
Ripped from: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ("find it, but not use it...")

Scene: The Major tries to get rid of his government liason, and tells him that it's time to jump the plane, and gives him a briefing unintelligible over the roar of the wind.
Ripped from: Finding Nemo

But seriously, the transformation scenes are quite teh awesome. I think it was worth it.

I didn't see the giant hands that came in to change them though.
The Edna Man

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