You don't know about me, without you have read every other post on this here journal, but that ain't no matter. This journal was made by Mr Kevin Low, and he told the truth, mostly. There was things he stretched, but he mainly told the truth.
Well, one or two years run along, and it was well into November, now. I had been to school most all the time, and now it was the examnations, where they test you on most everything they learned you over the years. There ain't nothing worse a body can't handle, except maybe some teachers I knowed. I don't take much stock in her, anyway.
One day I happened to strike an idea. I says to myself, I couldn't see no profit in this commentary-writing business, so why don't I write my commentary in the author's style? Won't it show them that I knew their style better than the author himself? I reckoned it would be fun, and exciting, and warn't any harm in it.
So I tell Tom Sawyer about it. He said, "Why, where was you raised? Would Shakespeare write in Dicken's style? Or Jane Eyre? No, he wouldn't. Because it ain't in the books so, that's why. Now, do you want to do things regular, or don't you? Don’t you reckon that the people that made the books knows what’s the correct thing to do? Do you reckon you can learn them anything? Not by a good deal. We got to do it proper, with quotes and all, and blame it if we don't get it right."
I didn't believe him. It had all the marks of a Sunday school.
Unck Ednn